6 Ways to Show God Respect

Sino Kane
5 min readNov 26, 2020


Very recently, as I was meditating and praying to The Creator God, I became spiritually compelled to write a piece detailing 6 WAYS TO SHOW GOD RESPECT. I find it wise to devote a lengthy period of time to considering whether we are adequately giving God proper respect. Why is this important? When you demonstrate to God that you are genuinely attempting to show Him a high level of respect, there is a sense of internal peace, happiness, and satisfaction that He unlocks within you as a result. It is as if you begin vibrating at a higher frequency, spiritually speaking. Please keep in mind that this list is by no means exhaustive and is subject to debate and critique. Truthfully, that is more than welcomed and legitimately encouraged. My goal in writing this article is to generate a healthy bit of discussion regarding how to best show our respect to The Creator — and hopefully I can learn more from you as well! With this introduction in mind, let us begin…

The 1st Way — BELIEVE IN GOD:

The 1st way to show God respect is to believe in Him. I will certainly be tackling the specific subject of God’s existence in future pieces of writing but suffice it to say that existence and consciousness itself is indeed indicative of a creator. Believe in God like you believe in the sun rising, babies being born, and the United States of America. Instead of assuming that He is not real, assume that He is real. When you think about it, not believing in God is most likely quite disrespectful to Him. And because you allow yourself to stay stuck in the mental paradigm of disbelief you will have an extremely difficult time unlocking and experiencing the superior paradigms that are of God!


The 2nd way to show God respect is to understand Him. It is not enough to merely believe in God — to show God respect, you must strive to sufficiently understand Him as well. It must be noted that you will NEVER understand God in His totality because He is an infinite being and you are a limited being. However, one of your goals should be to strive to expand your understanding of God as much as possible. How do we do this? By having discussions with others on God; by studying available literature — both past and present — about God; by meditating on God; and by otherwise thinking extensively about God and His nature. In truth, this is a lifelong endeavor. But by showing God that you are diligently seeking to learn about and understand Him you will be showing Him your respect.


The 3rd way to show God respect is to acknowledge Him. Many people go throughout their day to day lives and hardly even think about God — effectively, God is ignored. Generally, they do not acknowledge Him nor do they take the time to recognize Him while living their lives because their minds are preoccupied with so many other things: gossip, movies, videogames, sports, dating, partying, working, school, drugs, sex, politics, entertainment, etc. For the record, I am not making any judgements about these things. My only wish is that you make room throughout each day to acknowledge The Creator God and give Him the respect He deserves! We will all be better off for it, if you do!


The 4th way to show God respect is to simply appreciate Him. Be thankful and appreciate that in His infinite intelligence He saw fit to include you within His creation. That’s how significant you are to God — that’s how precious you are to God! You mean something to God, and you are important to Him. Show your appreciation to God for the fact that you aren’t some robotic slave to His whim and lack the ability to choose/decide. Appreciate God for even being able to be conscious and experience this creation for as long as you have! Appreciate that there’s a method behind God’s actions — that everything that you have gone through, are going through, and will go through is happening for a reason; have faith and trust in God!

The 5th Way — PRAY TO GOD:

The 5th way to show God respect is to pray to God. Pray to God daily because this legitimately assists in building a relationship with Him. And be honest with Him — there is no point in lying to God… so just be transparent. Instead of trying to trick God, be completely open with God about everything during your prayer sessions. If you’re having trouble believing in Him, ask Him to reveal His existence to you; if you’re fearful of something, acknowledge it to God; if you want to know your purpose, ask God. BE CONSISTENT! Do not just pray once or twice — pray every single day to show God that you are dead serious about wanting to show your respect to Him. If you stay humble, diligent, genuine, persistent, and consistent in your prayers, God will eventually reveal Himself to you!


The 6th and final way (for the purposes of this article) to show God respect is by not blatantly disrespecting Him. PLEASE REMEMBER: Fear God if you fear nothing else! God is NOT to be played with! Do not provoke God, curse God, belittle God, call Him disrespectful names, or anything of the sort. And the same goes for your dealings with other people. Everyone is within the confines of God’s creation so when you disrespect and treat other people poorly you are (by extension) disrespecting God as well! God is The Creator obviously… He could quite literally punish you ferociously for your disrespect. But aside from that, just the very act of God potentially removing His presence and glow from your life can lead to you being in a mental hell or psychological prison of darkness. (We will be touching on this subject in future articles.) And that is NOT cool at all. So again, I urge anyone reading this to never, ever blatantly disrespect God.


This concludes my piece detailing 6 WAYS TO SHOW GOD RESPECT. The subject of God is one that is very essential to me — this specific piece of writing that you’ve read today is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what is to come for this website! A sufficient show of respect to God is a major key to optimal mental health, in my honest opinion. Humility does a human well, and what better way to exude it than by showing respect to God? Be sure to check out some of the other articles in CVT Content, and stay tuned for much more to come! And connect with me on Instagram and Twitter ( here and here).

Originally published at https://cvtcontent.com on November 26, 2020.



Sino Kane

Writer at Creative, Valuable, and Timeless Content (http://cvtcontent.com) We talk GOD, CONFIDENCE, HAPPINESS, MINDSET, MOTIVATION, SUCCESS, and MUCH MORE! 😎